"We all rise as duty dictates.
7:30 – The Great Bell on the Dwelling House rings to summon all to breakfast.
8:00 – Morning Prayers. We read (responsively) two Psalms, followed
by Bible readings, prayer, silent prayer and ending with the singing of a Shaker song.
8:30 – Work begins.
11:30 – Mid-day Prayers
12:00 – Dinner. This is the main meal of the day.
1:00 – Work begins.
6:00 – Supper
Prayer Meeting is held on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m., followed by a class
on Shaker Studies.
Sunday Meeting is held at 10:00 am. During the summer months Meeting is held
in the Meeting House. The remainder of the year we meet in the Chapel in the Dwelling House. This is the only service open
to the general public".[i]